Infection control policy and advice to patients on Covid-19

We are all tasked with remaining vigilant whilst we continue to suffer the presence of this virus. To ensure we can offer a place of treatment for those who need us, it is important that we take all reasonable measures to reduce the risk of infection.


  • Please attend the clinic in a fresh set of clothes (not those worn throughout the day) to help prevent contamination of the clinic.
  • Attend alone if possible, we wish to limit the number of people in the clinic at any time to help reduce the number of people who could come into contact with anyone.
  • Try to be prompt and punctual and do not arrive early nor late to ensure overlap for patients is easy and without congestion.
  • Clean your hands upon entering the clinic (sanitiser will be provided).
  • Face masks are advised in close encounters so please remember to bring your own.
  • Clean your hands upon leaving the clinic.

Anyone who has been suffering COVID-19 symptoms or lives with anyone who has been suffering symptoms within the last 14 days, or suspects they are contagious begins to suffer symptoms needs to contact the clinic immediately if you have an appointment arranged and please do not attend your appointment.

You can access the latest NHS and government guidance below

Coronavirus is a class of virus containing those that cause conditions from the common cold to SARS. The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.

The disease spreads primarily from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, which are expelled when a person with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes, or speaks. These droplets are relatively heavy, do not travel far and quickly sink to the ground. People can catch COVID-19 if they breathe in these droplets from a person infected with the virus.  This is why it is important to stay at least 2 metre away from others. These droplets can land on objects and surfaces around the person such as tables, doorknobs and handrails.  People can become infected by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.  This is why it is important to wash your hands regularly with soap and water or clean with alcohol-based hand rub.

The NHS informs us that the most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:

  • a high temperature (fever)
  • a new continuous dry cough
  • difficulty breathing

If this is the case it is imperitive to follow national guidelines of contacting 111 for symptoms that do not resolve within a week or symptoms that worsen.

A period of self isolation is necessary following these symptoms to prevent the passage of the virus to others. 7 days if living alone and 14 days if with others is advised.

We will be committed to a strict cleaning regime whereby the clinic will be thoroughly cleaned regularly. Clinical surfaces will be cleaned between patients and the room will be well ventilated to help prevent any contamination.
